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Selling gas stations since 1980
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are typical gas station expenses?
Below is a list of common expenses for a typical Gas Station / Convenience Store Operation.  These figures are estimates and will vary depending on the location:

  • Payroll: 24 Hour Locations: 720 man hours per month X $14 per hour = $10,080 per month for one employee per shift. 18 Hour Locations: 540 man hours per month X $14 per hour = $7,560 per month for one employee per shift. Add roughly 7% for payroll taxes and workman’s compensation to get an accurate total.
  • Utilities: Electric, Water, Sewer, Garbage and Phone approx. $2,000.00 per month.
  • Insurance: Average liability, property and tank insurance total $7,000 per year.
  • Credit Card Fees: This expense is variable based on the volume of the location.  An easy way to get a close estimate is to use the following formula:  Gallons per month X Average gas price X Percentage of credit card sales X 2.5% = credit card fees. Example:  A location pumping 100,000 gallons per month at $3.00 per  gallon, doing 35% cash business and 65% credit card business will look like this: 100,000 X $3.00 X 65% X 2.5% = $4,875 per month.
  • Miscellaneous: Accounting Fees, Bank Fees, Lawn, Pressure Washing, Maintenance etc.  $700.00 per month.
Is the gas profit the same for all stations?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! Gas margins will vary depending on your supply contract and competition. We will help you to obtain the best gasoline supply agreement available for your station.

Can you help me get a better Gasoline Supply Agreement?

Yes! One of the most important aspects of this business is having the ability to compete with your gas prices. Gas Stations USA has access to the most competitive rack supply agreements available and can also assist with getting oil company rebates.

Are all leases the same?

ABSOLUTELY NOT! We will help you understand the different type of leases and guide you in the execution of the proper lease. The better the lease, the more your station can be worth.

What is the difference between rack and DTW pricing?

DTW (Dealer Tank Wagon) is a price set by major oil companies based on the region of the state that you are located.  Rack is the wholesale price of gasoline which varies from each terminal.  Rack pricing is the preferred way to buy gas because DTW is usually priced much higher.

Do you have 7-11 franchises available?

Gas Stations USA built and sold the very first independently owned 7-11 in Florida.  We have 7-11 and Circle K opportunities available.

I own a gas station but the jobber gave me notice to leave the station in 30 days. Can they do this?

Unfortunately the average buyer and some attorneys are not familiar with gas station leases. There are some that can be terminated with a 30 day notice. We will never sell you a station with a 30 day cancellation without making sure that you understand it and are satisfied with it

Is it hard to get approval from an oil company?

No, as long as your credit is decent and you handle the application process properly you will be approved. We will help you with every step of the application.

Are all commercial brokers or Realtors the same?

Absolutely Not! Would you let a brain surgeon operate on your heart? I hope not! Just like Doctors, Real Estate Brokers specialize in different fields. Some try to handle a little bit of everything. Why should you buy a gas station from a broker that sells hotels or bars or rental properties?  Buy a gas station from a gas station broker. GAS STATIONS USA is the only full service gas station broker in Florida.

I want to buy a gas station and want to know if all oil companies and jobbers are the same?

ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Some oil company leases are better than others. Some jobbers offer much better gasoline supply contracts. Our job is to help you find the best lease and supply contract.

Do you offer consulting services?

Anyone who buys a gas station through GAS STATIONS USA receives free consultation services before and after the sale. We feel that an educated consumer is our best customer.

Is it true that unbranded gas is cheaper than major brand gas?

Yes, however with our help you can get Major Brand gas at the same price as unbranded.  We have experience negotiating with oil companies and when possible, we are able to get discounts and rebates that help level the playing field.

Can you help me with training?

Yes! We have been selling and operating gas stations since 1980 and this experience is passed on to our clients.  We will assist you with vendors, licenses, franchises, and other aspects of the business.  We can help organize the seller or seller’s manager for hands-on training at the location.

As an international Buyer am I eligible for an investors VISA?

All of our stations qualify for either L1, E2 or other Investors Visas. If you are buying a gas station through Gas Stations USA, we will work diligently with your immigration attorney to obtain your investor visa. If you do not have an immigration attorney, we can provide you with a list of attorneys that have successfully helped our foreign investors in the past.

Can I get financing for a gas station?

Yes, financing is available only for locations that are for sale with property. We have close ties with several banks and lending institutions.

View Available Gas Stations

Gas Stations USA helps you by helping the buyer. We have thousands of pre-qualified buyers, ready to purchase gas stations, service stations, and convenience stores. We are not just a broker. By choosing Gas Stations USA, you’ll benefit from working with a team who deals solely in your line of business and knows how to market your properties.

More Questions? Contact Us
Contact a Gas Stations USA representative for more information on how to choose the right property, plan your purchase, and operate it successfully. More Questions? Contact Us

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Buyers’ FAQ

Q: What are typical gas station expenses?

A: Below is a list of common expenses for a typical Gas Station / Convenience Store Operation. These figures are estimates and will vary depending on the location…

Q: Can you help me with training?

A: Yes! We have been selling and operating gas stations since 1980 and this experience is passed on to our clients. We will assist you with vendors, licenses, franchises, employee hiring and other aspects of the business…

Success Stories

Daytona Beach, FL We helped an inexperienced buyer purchase a gas station for $200,000, negotiate a favorable supply contract, and implement initiatives to increase monthly sales volume. With substantial growth in profitability, the buyer sold the gas station several years later for $420,000.

Seller Testimonials

See seller’s feedback about their experiences using Gas Stations USA to navigate the complex landscap of selling their business and properties.